Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Constellation Creation---Say Something

Click here to Lysz Flo

Realizing I have fallen in love with my Muse twice,
“We do not exist in
Any other instant
Here in this dimension
You and I are meant to be”
I attempted to create a shared constellation and couldn’t.
As it is already carved into the universe And spoken of in astronomy books
Could we just…trace over what has been written with new stars?

© LyszFlo

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

For(e) Play on Words

I hope that you don't take this wrong

But...I been...thinking...
Of finding how many ways...
 I can intertwine
With the pronunciation of  your
 As cunning linguistics are filled 
With conversations between 
intellectually stimulated 
into salacious verbiage.

Spoken commands 
I would like to cease
Until they become 
That have yet to be captured
 Until I run 
To add to the sentences 
Wishing to 
 Of your thoughts until the 
Do not refrain
When I...
Request you to relinquish 
Allow me...
 As I...
I have performed in solitude.
Wanting recognition for the submission
 To my favored pen 
As I allow the ink 
Willing to refill and reuse 
As we define the ellipses with adverbs. 

to the attention displayed 
upon mind 
Spilling dictation.

 literal context clues
 and permeate the
 plethora of phallic fantasies...

spoken word and not metaphors.
I request to release any
 unresolved concepts

I can't help but brainstorm upon 





climactic words 

Displayed in the darkness of these silenced pages.

 The Mental Cells

storm of 
Cerebral Momentum 
has subsided.

Unfulfilled fiction so i can rewrite them into non-fiction.

To coerce...

Revert to the top of the page 
Reiterating all the phrases

Practicing until perfection.

To flow. 

Your tip 
on fresh pages.

Be my subject 
Your predicate.


the play on words.
Simulated Secretsby girltripped

Friday, May 30, 2014

The Worst...[I Don't Need You]

You are the worst for knowing what you've done to me...Although it hurts I know, I just can't keep running away.

Dedicated my life...to figuring out how your beat would synchronize with mine. Seamless ticking to the rhythm of your soul. I fell into the pace construed. 

Now these words fall from the confines of your once unspoken truths.

If you cannot stay down you do not have to pretend that there is no way out. I shoulda never let you in.
I regret at times. The everything that I gave of me. Asking was I foolishly...? Amid-st windy nights in my bed traveling the edges. Failing to fill the void you once replenished with warmth.

Tearing off a piece of my  heart and handing it back with whatever's left. The branding of your name imprinted in my ticker still blowing smoke.

Forced to practice to self love. Attempting life lessons of distinguishing solitude from the loneliness in the same room.

Funny how everything changed...Once you  got all that you want, nothing was ever the same.

Taking care of vulnerability nurtured beyond imagination. And as soon as the blindfold brushed my eyes. You pulled my flight from under me. Feeling the heavy effects of gravity.

 Damn baby my mines blown.

Star struck hitting the grounded weight of cement flavored reality. Releasing the grasp and still our fingers remained laced.  Fighting to resuscitate the golden rose bush we cultivated to grow. But, some of the petals are tainted. My thorns sharper.

My wings no longer clipped. Pushing me to be free when I was never caged. Eyes judge the foolishness of your rash desires. Put between a rock and cliff. Logic, heart, and soul.

They say he's no item, please don't like him.--I think you're pride is just in the way.
You taught me:
I do not need you.  But I want you. And I don't mean to but I love you.

Please don't take this personal, but you ain't shit, you ain't nothing until I made you so. Better act like you know.

Before me you were a simple vagabond aimlessly wandering around the streets. Looking for a home on the corners of sidewalks thinking that those in the same darkness loved you. Broken shadows huddled together, do not create a human being: just an outline of what it is shaped to be. Until I gave you the shelter you never dreamed squared. 

I don't need you. I learned that. But I want you. Every smile you genuinely provided and created. Every dream fulfilled when the sun hit your face just right as I awoke beside you each morning. The safety felt in your embrace. The desires surpassed whenever our intimacy became braille. The heartbeat that danced in conjunction with yours. 

You know that I depend on nothing or no one. So why would you show up, uninvited and change my mind like that.
As soon as I throw our memories into the urn of the dearly departed. You got me face down. Willing to be played a fool. To live with no regrets. No what ifs. Knowing that I may mum the word, the day I am proven wrong by my intuition. As we lay apart; Connected by our thoughts and emotions. Mutually striking hunger pangs in our hearts' belly.

I know what this is but the time's wrong. You are the worst to know what you've done to me.
Both unable to completely to walk away. Forgetting the gifts of times past. Fingers barely touching yet remaining loosely intertwined.

I don't need you. I don't need you. I don't need you. But, I want you. I don't mean to. I don't mean to. I don't mean to. 

But I love you.

I Need You Now More Then Everby khl1

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wake up alone...

"It's okay in the day....I'm stayin busy..."
Ignoring the internal reveries, preventing the nightmares of reality from reentering the confines of my soul. 

Opening to the sunlight bursting through my windows. 

So much to do, so little time to think of...Who?---Continuing to occupy my heart from realizing it is in synchronization with my brain; looking for the second palpitation only---Who?----could provide.

Forgetting this Him---As long as there is no moonlight.

"Tied up enough..so I don't have to wonder where is he."

Starting with the right foot on the bed forgetting...that there are only sheets and pillows. As I leave the comfort of unrest.

Our pictures. Blurred during the day. No attention given as I float into the tasks at hand. No break just charging onward...I am stronger today. Making plans to find myself...No longer drowning in my loss.

"So sick of crying...so just lately, when I catch myself I do a 180."

Creating the illusionist stage of happiness found. All smiles between the coldness left inside. The swollen eyes made up with eyeliner and mascara. Red lips could tell lies not even I can believe.

Best heels and dress. Dressed for success. For a split second, my eyes daze out into the darkness. I stop. Praying to Lord for strength , taking a deep breath and refusing to let sadness out in full force.

Until the evening comes...no plans?---everyone's busy? Being happy? Being together?

I am left...with...

No choice but to to look at OUR pictures at the head of what was OUR bed. 
Looking at the picture of what was OUR dresser.
No choice but to enclose myself. Shut everyone out as my lipstick has faded despite the lack of hunger.
My sweats on and my soul unmasked.

The solitude my only companion. Not even the crickets fill the silence in what used to be OUR room.
The radio plays-all of me-damn you John Legend. Radio off. Soundcloud on.

The Worst-playing on my phone on repeat. Side effects of you keep me bone chilling.
The warmth, unattainable despite a blanket and covers.
"Run around just so I don't have to think about thinking That silent sense of content That everyone gets Just disappears soon as the sun sets" 
Opinions falls like harsh winter everyone I have let in, judges. 
A fool in love. Pitying the broken pieces left on the floor of what used to be OUR front door.

Truth becomes subjective....does it all depend?

The dark cloud returns. No light comes in, just the moonlight reminding me of what was and what is.
"If I was my heart I'd rather be restless The second I stop the sleep catches up and I'm breathless This ache in my chest As my day is done now The dark covers me and I cannot run now
Reality brings me to my knees. Curling up on what used to YOUR side of the bed. Keep me from having regular dreams. The face in my eternal desires continues to haunt me. The pain in YOUR eyes as you stormed away replays in my mind.

Going out at night. To escape the tundra in my bed. Partying halfheartedly a hazard to myself as my I search into the crowd for company.  Leaning on my camaraderie. Yet even the parties must end. Everyone must go home. Not one able to remain long enough to fill the depth of my void.

As the moonlight pours in reflecting the lack of you in my bed. The lack of your presence to bring me warmth. A glimpse of yesterday no longer in sight. Fallen from cloud nine. And falling back into the realization that gravity hurts.
"His face in my dreams seizes my guts He floods me with dread Soaked in soul He swims in my eyes by the bed Pour myself over him Moon spilling in"

Holding hands in the night, as my heart seems to lay at ease, In my dreams. Love forever. All is well. Nothing has ever changed. I love you he says and I will return again. We make love until the dawn.

My alarm rings...and the light of truth echoes.
"And I wake up alone"   
Never Wake Up Alone Againby boyisfiction

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I Loved a Gladiator Once II...[Her story]

I loved a Gladiator Once...
But she is now broken spirited....her battered armor reflects...a mere shadow of her true self.

Lost in a winter's daze,

Accepting defeat.
Frozen in the snow.
Forgotten in a field of darkness.

War leaving it's shards upon the tattoos of burnt wounds.

Today the smoke that choked her has cleared,

The stinging of the eyes has passed.
The blood has dried and she is able to rise again.
 Despite the losses in war and the broken pride.

I loved a Gladiator once...and it lead me to an unexpected war.

Fighting to save my own life-my own soul.

 Pressed between a cliff and a sword.

Choosing between His life,
Or M I N E
Thumbs Downby hinxlinx

Back turned to her as her joyous victories now spoken as myth.

Never placed upon a throne of history.
Not one scroll dedicated to her...Not one moment in time...

I loved a Gladiator once...and she got lost on her way back home.

Staggering to find her place. Bewildered as the rain felt like a monsoon.
Nearly drowning in the uncertainty.

Fighting for sobriety

The confusion of friend or foe too great.

S I L E N C E arrives with a small light.

I loved a Gladiator once...And I forgot she is me. I forgot I loved myself more than I did He.

Among-st the internal battle and the pain of the dagger inserted in the middle of my heart,
Constantly reminding I am still alive.
I forgot I loved a Gladiator once.




Dusting myself off. Getting up without fear of failure. But looking forward to the future wars to be won.
I may get injured, murder against me may be attempted. But as long as a beautiful death does not grace my end.

I Loved a Gladiator Once....And I am on the path back to her.
