Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Till IT Happens to You...[Failing Sobriety]

It use to be like Heaven....
And now my wings have burnt in the sun's reflection...I must of flew to close...I must have flown to close...Thinking the brightness would never taint reality.

Falling into the dark dampness of the heaviest of clouds...My wings emaciated and scalded. At full speed heading down to the ground where I was picked off my feet.
It use to feel like rain...
 Where you can dance and sing...hold hands and laugh. But now it feels like a hurricane, where I cannot control the direction in which I am spinning. Remorse...Upon the foolishness, all I can feel is S T U P I D.

Believing the shine was gold...And the fool was I. The fool is me.
Love am I a full to believe in YOU? 
As I feel like all I have left is the choux pastry heart..the filling now empty...left with simply the flakes...Disintegrating in the fridge. Looking as if I were solid. But the reality is,
No one knows what love can do...Until it happens to you,
Happening...hurts....Falling with such force...Desperation covers me...Looking at a shell of myself as I know longer know who I am...afraid of what I will become. Ice queen. Warrior placing her shield and sharp weaponry. Back onto the path leaving the crossroads behind. Learning to limp through the pain. Cure myself in the darkness again. Solitude my murderer and healer. Time remains as the uncertainty to my recovery.

Sentenced to purgatory so I can figure it out...

Trying to amidst the suffering continue on...unable to keep you here...unable to let you leave...
How come NOTHING feels the same when I'm with YOU...
No one knows what love can do...Until it happens to you,
I just wish someone would of told me... 
Sadnessby Mathurin156

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

...I Bang My Pillows...[The Fight for Sobriety]

In the fight for sobriety....I nod for permission....