Sunday, May 4, 2014

I Loved A Gladiator Once...

I loved a gladiator once...

Remaining as his backup when he needed me...Willing to go to War as long as the result is his safety...

Making sure that after every battle we would return together safely,

Despite the wounds...we  continued to bandage each other up.

Ready for the next combat...US against the world.

Awaiting Our Beautiful Unison...My Man...and I his woman...Gladiators..An unbeatable force apart but when together there is no ceasing.

Waiting for a foe worthy of taking us apart in order to meet once more in the depths of our freed souls.

I loved a gladiator once, never backing down and shielding me despite being forced to his knees.
I striking the enemy so he can raise to his feet.

Now..He...a mere mirage of who he once was...A Gladiator...

His punctured pride unable to allow him to remove the blinds. The darkness is not as dense as it resembles.
And there he remains...the un-healing wound he prevents me from curing. Choosing to delve in unexpected cowardice.

In horror I watch as he crumbles and I unable to save him. S I L E N C E.

I, who gave up my "sword and shield", placing the key of soul within his very grasp. He, armed and ready to win the most important crusade of them all...the undying conflict in my heart. Unlocking fears and uncertainty that maintained me alive for so long...

I gaze into the eyes, of a known stranger...I loved a gladiator once...and now he who I know now fills me with fear, desperation, and weakness...

He, has moments of clarity and is open to the training against the enemies that continue to pursue us. Then to the darkness he returns into the deepest wells where even I cannot reach out to him..

Many have perished within our grasp. But today...a Gladiator falls ungracefully...I unsure to continue the journey behind or aside him...I weep not in daylight but in the confines where my unlocked soul bares his name...Wishing for the winter to not revisit me once more...

How can I remain a Gladiator ruthlessly, without my King in all his glory?...What do I fight for?

If I too am just a reflection.of what I once was...I loved Gladiator once...but now neither of us resemble as such...Despite our indestructible fervor...the flame a mere glow...

Weakened are we as they pillage and trample our kingdom and its dreams...We have become our own enemies.

And in the heat of he remains on his knees...I defend with all I have left...
Trappedby theDURRRRIAN

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